The Fillmore High Alumni Association


The name of this association shall be called:  FILLMORE HIGH ALUMNI ASSOCIATION with subordinate committees of The Life Endowment Fund and Scholarship Foundation.

A. The purposes of this corporation are set out in the Articles of Incorporation:
1.  To carry on any activities and business whatsoever in connection with the foregoing purposes which the corporation shall deem proper.
2.  To borrow money, to lend money to own real property,to own personal property, to deal in real property, to deal in personal property, to have and to exercise all of the powers conferred or allowed by the laws of the State of California on non-profit corporations.
3. To foster and perpetuate a spirit of fellowship among the members.
4. To organize and conduct a meeting of the membership annually.
5. To maintain a Life Endowment Fund which will provide funds that will assist in the runing of the association.
6.  To be involved in maintaining certain historical records of Fillmore High School which pertain to the members of the association.
7.  To keep members informed by newsletters, newspaper articles, website and word of mouth, those high school activities, alumni activities, and other newsworthy activities pertaining to alumni members and the association.
8. To support high school activities that pertain to academic and athletic advancement or achievement.
9. To establish a fund from which scholarships will be available to graduates of Fillmore High School and induce and stimulate high school academic achievements on the part of students.
10. To oversee the handling of a scholarshilp fund, selection of recipients who apply for scholarships and raising money for the fund.
11. Policy questions regarding the number of scholarships to be granted each year and the amount, of such scholarships shall be decided by the Scholarship Committee. However, pursuant to Article XI (B) scholarships, given each year, shall be limited by the amounts of contributions made to the Association, and investment dividends and interest paid to the Fillmore HIgh Scholarship Foundation, The Scholarship Committee shall not have the power to invade “principal assets” of the Association (financial reserves) being mindful that the primary purpose of the Scholarship Association is the establishment and maintenance of scholarships in perpetuity, as well as to enable the Association to achieve their other purposes in perpetuity as set forth in these By-laws,
12. All other policy questions shall be decided by the Board of Directors.

A. The board of directors shall consist of a minimum of nine (9) members with a maximum of twelve (12) members. Directors shall serve for a term of one year, with the option of being elected each year. The board of directors shall conduct the general business of the association and have authority to:
1. Select and place in nomination persons to serve as officers and directors,
2. To fix time and place of the meetings of the board of directors and regular and special meetings of the association, and,
3. To adopt and amend by-laws by placing these issues before the general membership meetings for a vote or at any regular or special meeting of the board upon the affirmative vote of two-thirds (2/3) majority vote of all members present,
4. Any director, whether serving as such by reason of an office held in the Association, or otherwise, may be removed from office by vote of the majority of the board of directors. In the event of the death, disability, resignation or removal of a director prior to the end of his or her term, the board of directors shall elect a replacement, whose only qualification is that he or she must be a member of the alumni association.
5. The number of directors specified by these by-laws may not be changed without the vote or written assent of members entitled to exercise a majority of the voting power, or vote of two-thirds of the members present at a meeting of members duly called according to these by-laws.
B. The operaational year of this corporation shall run from January 1 to December 31.
C.The officers of this association shall be president, vice president, secretary, treasurer and Past President,  who shall be elected at each annual meeting and will serve for two years.
D. In any election, each officer shall be entitled to one vote.
E. Five directors shall constitute a quorum in any board of directors’ meeting.
F. Vacancies of offices shall be replaced by the board of directors to complete the term of office.
G. The term of office of members of the board of directors shall run from July I to June 30.
H. In the event of the death, disability, resignation, or removal of an officer prior to the end of his/her term, the board of directors shall elect a replacement from the membership to fill the unexpired term, then be elected by the membership for a new term, if they wish to remain on the board.

A. The President shall preside at all meetings of the association and the board of directors’ meetings.
1. The President shall plan meetings and organize committees and recommend committee chairpersons for vote by board members.
2. Will send out agenda and dates of up-coming meetings.
3. The president shall appoint a committee to select nominations for the yearly elected board members.
B. The Vice President shall serve as an assistant to the president, and in the absence of the president, shall perform those duties.
      1. The vice president will advance to the office of the presidency at the end of   the president’s two-year term(s).
C. The immediate past president will serve for two years following his/her term as president and will assist the president in all duties deemed necessary by the president.
D. The Secretary shall keep accurate records of the proceedings of all meetings of the association and board of directors, election, and handle necessary correspondence of the board.
E. The Treasurer shall:
1. Receive and disburse all funds of the association, depositing them in a bank(s) approved by the board of directors.
2.  Report to the board of directdors and to the association the status of the accounts when requested by the board of directors.
3. Submit financial records for an annual review of financial statements at the end of each calendar year as of December 31.
4. Shall keep permanent and accurate records of receipts and disbursements, using a satisfactory accounting method. Checks written on bank accounts shall require two signatures (any two) of   the president, vice president, secretary and treasurer.
5.  Be the Chairperson of the Finance Committee and shall be responsible to maintain the three financial accounts of the association:
      a.  Fillmore High Alumni Association (daily operations).
      b.  Fillmore High Alumni Life Endowment Fund (funds to assure the continuation
           of the alumni association).
      c.  Fillmore High Alumni Scholarship Foundation (funds for awarding
F.  The Finance Committee will review the investment polices and assure the     Donor Bill of Rights” are upheld.
G.  Directors shall perform such duties as may be assigned by the board.

A. The classes of membership in this association shall be:
1. General: Persons who have graduated from Fillmore High School.
2. Junior: Graduates of Fillmore High School who subscribe to Flashbacks $1.00 yearly during the first four years after becoming an alumnus.
3. Sustaining: Alumnus who contribute $20.00 yearly for Flashback subscription after being an alumni member for five years or more.
4: Life: Alumni who contribute $150.00 (onetime) to the association. Thus receiving Flashbacks for life.
5. Life/Spouse: Alumni who contribute $200.00 for their own life membership.
6.  Honorary Members:  Any person who has contributed financially or volunteers time to support the alumni association.

A. There shall be an annual meeting held on the first Saturday after the graduation of a senior class of Fillmore High School. Other special meetings may be called by the board of directors as needed.
B. A simple majority of the members present is sufficient to pass upon any matter other than an amendment of these by-laws or to invade principal assets of the Association.
C. Proxy voting is allowed.
D. One hundred members shall constitute a quorum at any membership meeting.

 A. Members, in good standing and in attendance at the annual meeting or special meeting, shall be entitled to one vote on all matters submitted to them. Voting shall take place at the annual meeting of the association or at a special meeting as called for in these by-laws

 A. The president, with the approval of the board of directors, shall appoint committees necessary to assure smooth and efficient handling of the affairs of the association.
B. Scholarship Committee shall have discretion as to the number of scholarships and total amount of scholarships upon the recommendation by the treasurer as to funds available.

A. These by-laws may be amended at any regular or special meeting of the board of directors upon the affirmative vote of two-thirds of the members present.
B. A report of all changes shall be made to the subscribers in the subsequent issue of Flashbacks and on the alumni website.

A. If an officer or director is absent for three (3) board meetings without notification to the board, it is an automatic termination.

A. The Scholarship Committee shall be composed of five or six members. The Scholarship Committee may be officers or members of the association.
B. Scholarships, given each year, shall be limited by amounts of contributions and investment dividends and interest. The Scholarship Committee shall not have the power to invade “principal” assets of the association (financial reserves) being mindful that the primary purpose of the Association is the establishment and maintenance of scholarships in perpetuity, as well as to enable the Association to achieve their other purposes in perpetuity as set forth in the By-laws - Article II.
C.Memorial Scholarships to be given in the name of an individual shall be in amounts of $2500 or more.  If $2500 is given, there shall be one $500 scholarship given for five years.  The named scholarship will then be discontinued  unless additional funds are received for this memorial scholarship.
D. The Scholarship Committee shall select the recipients of scholarships on the basis of the following criteria: Autobiography, extra-curricular activities, Grade Point Average, at least one letter of recommendation from a teacher, an administrator, church person or employer and the Personal Interview.
E. Scholarships awarded shall be paid to the recipient in two equal payments prior to the beginning of each semester if the amount is more than $500 (five hundred dollars).
F. First installment of scholarship award will be awarded when proof of enrollment has been submitted to the Scholarship Committee and all requirements have been met submitted prior to November 1 of  the year issued.
G. The second payment of scholarship will be made when the recipient has returned to the Scholarship Committee, proof of enrollment for the second semester, a copy of their previous semester record and a letter explaining their experiences and what they have learned in the previous semester.  This must be submitted prior to March 1.
H.  Continuation Grants for graduates already in college or university, must be received prior to July 1 for the first semester and by March 1 for the second semester.
Amended February 18, 2008